Ground Improvement
Leading the use of column-supported embankments on load transfer platforms in the United States
TCG has performed forensic analysis and provided expert testimony in over 100 geotechnical failures over the last 30 years
Performing product evaluations
Certified NHI Instructor
View a sample of our projects
Licensed Professional Engineer: AL, AK, CT, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, KS, MA, MD, MN, MS, MT, NC, ND, NJ, NY, NH, OH, PA, TN, UT, VA, WV, WI
Dr. Collin founded The Collin Group, Ltd. in 1995. The firm specializes in soil-structure interaction, numerical modeling, earth retaining structure design, ground improvement, geosynthetics, mechanically stabilized earth and reinforced soil slopes, soil nailing, and forensic evaluation of geotechnical structures.